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3D 3D Detection and Segmentation 3D Mapping 3D Reconstruction 3D Reconsturction 3D Scene Understanding 3D from monocular images 3D human mesh recovery 3D shape generation AGI Affinity Affordance Autonomous Driving BEV Benchmark CLIP CNN CRF Chain of Thought Chain-of-Thought Classification Continuous Environments Contrastive learning DDT DETR Detection Diffusion Edge detection Embodied AI Embodied task planning End-to-end Exploration Few-Shot Learning Fine-Grained Visual Classification GCN GNN Geometry Graph HomeRobot Image Generation Image Retrieval Image editing LLM Large Language Models Large Vision Models LiDAR Mesh reconstruction Meta learning Multimodal Navigation NeRF OD Object Attribute Recognition Object Detection Object Goal Navigation Object Navigation Object Recognition Object discovery Object-Goal Navigation ObjectNav Open Vocabulary Open Vocabulary Detection Open-Vocabulary Open-Vocabulary Object Detection Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation Open-Vocabulary Segmentation Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation Open-vocabulary Planning Point cloud Pre-training Prior Exploration Prompt Learning Real World Reasoning Representation Learning Representation learning Robot Perception Rotation SAM SLAM Scene Understanding Seed-exband Segmentation Self-supervised Slot Attention Superpixel Survey Text-driven Transformer Transformers Two-stage Unsupervised Learning Unsupervised learning VL understanding VLMs VLN Vision-Language Vision-and-Language Navigation Vision-and-Language Pretraining Vision-language Visual Foundation Models Visual Grounding Visual Navigation Visual Prompt Engineering Visual Relation Detection Visual-and-Language Navigation WSIS WSOD WSOL WSSS Weighted BEC loss Zero-shot classification dCRF debug记录 dropout human pose estimation local consistency math random walk self-attention superpixel survey tools 可控图像生成 定位分类解耦框架 注意力机制 知识蒸馏 自监督学习SSL 自蒸馏 随时更新