Yixuan Pan (潘逸轩)

I am currently a MSc student in Southeast University supervised by Xiaobo Lu. My research interests include Scene Understanding, 3D Perception and Reconstruction, Embodied AI, Weakly Supervised/Few-shot/Open Vocabulary Object Localization, Detection and Segmentation.

email: yixuanpan@seu.edu.cn

Simulation of electromagnetic bending gun

Automatic mark finding by camera and precise targeting
2019 National First Prize of National Student Electronic Design Competition (Top 1.8%, total 17,313 teams)

Indoor positioning and tracking of robots

High-precision indoor positioning and tracking based on UWB
Authorized Patent: An EKF-based multi-sensor fusion greenhouse patrol robot tracking method, First Author

Auto-following robot

UWB-based following robot

Greenhouse inspection robot cluster

The inspection vehicle will record the diseased plants according to the camera information, and send it to the spraying vehicle, which will automatically arrive at the recorded location.

Acousto-optic positioning hexapod disaster relief

The hexapod robot turns in the direction of the sound source after hearing the target sound, and tracks the light source after recognizing the target light source.